Visiting Scholarship
Application deadlines every January 15 / July 15 / September 15
Funding for research stays abroad
With this program, the Faculty of Sciences is offering scholarships to support outstanding young female researchers of the Faculty with research stays abroad of a maximum of 4 months. Professors or Chairs at the Faculty can host international female researchers for a limited period of research provided they they have received this scholarship. This financial support is also offered to German female researchers who are already on research stays abroad for a longer period and who would like to return to Germany.
Funding objective
Scholarships are awarded to female researchers at FAU with above-average achievements, who are planning a research stay abroad and who are completing their doctoral degree, or postdoctoral/habilitation research at the Faculty of Sciences. The scholarships are also available to provide funding to young female researchers with above-average achievements from outside the University who are planning a research stay at FAU and who are currently in a comparable qualification phase.
Funding is subject to availability.
Funding is awarded to women who plan to pursue their research career with the aim of becoming a professor.
Scholarships during doctoral degree programmes
Scholarships are preferably granted for the final phase of a doctoral degree if above-average achievements have already been demonstrated. The candidate must present evidence of preliminary work which meets this criterion. Only doctoral candidates who intend to later qualify as a professor at FAU may be considered for funding.
Only female doctoral candidates who are registered in FAU’s doctoral research database docDaten and have been admitted to a doctorate at FAU may apply.
The monthly scholarship allowance is EUR 1,400 (plus any childcare allowances).
Additional material and travel expenses (including printing costs) are not available.
The maximum duration of the scholarship is between two and four months. An extension is not possible.
Applicants must submit the following documents together with the completed application form:
- a signed CV (in tabular form) with a publication list (see application form)
- letter of support with original signature (see check list)
- a short project description that explains the work already completed on the thesis and a work plan detailing the content and schedule during the funding period (approx. three pages plus work plan)
- details of how the project fits into the applicant’s career plan
- copies of the birth certificates of any children.
Funding applications in German or English must be submitted in digital format.
These scholarships are intended to enable women with doctorates to start, continue and/or complete a project that qualifies them for a university career (junior professorship or habilitation). Applicants should generally have completed their doctorate with a minimum grade of ’sehr gut‘ (excellent; magna cum laude). Furthermore, the duration of the doctorate may generally not have exceeded four years. The doctoral degree certificate must be submitted before the start of the scholarship.
The monthly scholarship allowance is EUR 2,200 (plus any childcare allowances). Additional material and travel expenses (including printing costs) are not available.
The maximum duration of the scholarship is between two and four months. An extension is not possible.
The scholarship holder must have close institutional ties to FAU.
Applicants must submit the following documents together with the completed application form:
- a signed CV (in tabular form) with publications list (see application form),
- a statement from the department/institute to which the project is assigned on the scholarship holder’s close institutional ties to the department/institute,
- a short project description that explains the preliminary work already carried out and a work plan detailing the content and schedule for the funding period in question (approx. three pages plus work plan),
- details of how the project fits into the applicant’s career plan
- copies of the birth certificates of any children.
Funding applications in German or English must be submitted in digital format.
Scholarships for excellent young researchers
These scholarships are open to young female researchers pursuing a habilitation according to Section 65 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act (BayHSchG) as amended on 23 May 2006 and young female researchers who have completed their habilitation no longer than one year previously or who are in the initial stage of their junior professorship.
The monthly scholarship allowance is EUR 2,600 (plus any childcare allowances). Additional material and travel expenses (including printing costs) are not available.
The maximum duration of the scholarship is between two and four months. An extension is not possible.
The scholarship holder must have close institutional ties to FAU.
Applicants must submit the following documents together with the completed application form:
- a signed CV (in tabular form) with publications list (see application form),
- a statement from the department/institute to which the project is assigned on the scholarship holder’s close institutional ties to the department/institute
- a short project description that explains the preliminary work already carried out and a work plan detailing the content and schedule for the funding period in question (approx. 3 pages plus work plan),
- details of how the project fits into the applicant’s career plan,
- copies of the birth certificates of any children
Funding applications in German or English must be submitted in digital format.
Application deadline
Every January 15 / July 15/ September 15 or on request
Please send your complete application as a pfd file at
Selection interview
Applicants must attend a selection interview.
A personal selection interview with one of the women’s representatives will take place within 10 days of submitting the complete application. Once the application has been received, appointments will be coordinated via
Letter of support
Applications submitted by female doctoral candidates must include a letter of support from their supervisor.
Checklist for letter of support
You can find detailed information about funding guidelines for the visiting scholarship target agreement programme here:
Funding guidelines
Application form
Visiting Scholarship Application-Form_last updatet June 2024
Prof. Dr. Friedlinde Götz-Neunhoeffer
GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Lehrstuhl für Mineralogie (Prof. Dr. Göbbels)
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-25780
- E-Mail:
Dr. Magda Luthay
Büro für Gender und Diversity
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-20947
- E-Mail: